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The JackHammer Garden

July 3, 2007

We come to the Garden alone, but the dew shook off of the roses.

And the voices we hear, whispering in our ear, the Hammer of Jack exposes.

And he rat-a-tats, and he tat-a-rats, and he JackHammers away to a beat;

and the joy we share as we hammer there, none other has ever known.

We like music. The sound of JackHammers pounding concrete is music to our ears. We like music that reverberates. We like reverb. We like to talk about music. So we will.

All month in July, JackHammers hammer away on music. Kent wrote the book on it. He has lots to say. A concerto was named after him. Jeff can play. Maybe he will. Dave can hit play on his CD player. But he doesn’t know how to iPod. He’ll find some shallow song to mock.

JackHammers got rhythm. All singing the same tune. But it might not be relaxing. Enjoy!

Categories: Jack Hammer
  1. July 3, 2007 at 6:09 am

    This should be fun…

  2. Bobby Mitchell
    July 3, 2007 at 8:06 am

    Glad I’ll be away for the first couple of weeks! Have fun and don’t get after my banjo.

  3. July 3, 2007 at 11:49 am

    I love banjo’s, well-picked.

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