Home > Brandenburg, Culture > God of the Thoughts

God of the Thoughts

May 20, 2008

Does television exalt itself against your knowledge of God?  If it does, it probably does through its images.  God revealed Himself and His will through His Words.  God is a Spirit.  We can’t see Him.  Our understanding of Him comes through Scripture.  He won’t captivate our mind if we can’t allow Words to dominate our thoughts.

Our brains more easily access images.  They are mind candy.  Something close to the equivalent would be the choice between koolaid or water, a coca-cola or h2o, or a candy bar or a piece of celery.  If thinking is a road, images are downhill compared to words uphill.  We machete through words and coast through images.  We sweat through words and relax through images.  Images are the elephant in the room.  Words are the dust mite.

Everywhere we go we have the choice presented between words and pictures.  The Bible or the game.  The book or the movie.  The reading or the activity.  Images are the enemy of pondering.  We can’t meditate when the pictures have muscled their way to the front.

The more we give into the visuals, the deeper their groove becomes in our mind.  We become more comfortable with them.  It gets harder to think about what God said or a book about it.  Our mind tires on the long sentence and thick paragraph.  The golf cart’s there, so why walk the eighteen.  Just push on the gas.

We won’t submit to God, when something else dominates our brain.  The images crowd God out.  He wants to fellowship through the Words and sentences.  He wants to inform, to convict, to guide, to encourage, and to help.  He wants our attention.  Whenever He doesn’t get it, whatever it is that does is what we worship.  How much competition should we give Him?

Categories: Brandenburg, Culture Tags: ,
  1. Andrew
    May 21, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    This is going to sound strange but, what is the actual web-site I’m on?..I’ve been wanting to forward this to my friends and when they Google it, Hardware machines-Jackhammers show up…GREAT messages on the BOOB TUBE!…can i say that here?

  2. May 22, 2008 at 8:42 am
  3. Moses McKnight
    May 22, 2008 at 7:45 pm

    Aw, come on! Don’t you know you can have the images and the Word? Just make a movie out of the Word and use it instead of preaching. It’s more effective anyway. People don’t really need all those details anyhow, the images help them visualize the stories of the Bible and imagine What Would Jesus Do!

    Seriously, you have some good posts here on TV. These are some of the reasons I’m utterly against drama in church, or made for the intention of teaching biblical truths. As well as against TV and movies in general…

    One thing that occurred to me in recent years in opposition to novels in particular but also relating to most movies. Phil 4:8 gives us a list of things to think on (uh-oh, sounds like legalism!). The first one is “whatsoever things are true,”. Now I have yet to find a novel that is true. Moreover, I have almost never seen or heard of a movie that was supposed to be true that was very accurate, in other words much or most of it was not true. Finally, I don’t very well see how you can read a novel, or watch a movie, without thinking on and about it. Sometimes a lot. So as you said, it crowds out God, and it also violates the first principle or rule of what we are to think on according to Phil 4:8 and most movies violate the rest of them.

    I just found this site yesterday, and like what I see so far. Keep it up!

  4. May 27, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    Thanks Moses. You actually have caught us in a kind of Jackhammer downtime. Not totally down. But we aren’t doing much. Thanks for your comment.

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