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A Brother, A Help, and A Fellow Slave of the Lord (Colossians 4:7)

March 11, 2010

At the end of this letter, Paul writes his acknowledgments.  He didn’t get’er done alone.  It reminds me some of David’s mention of his mighty men at the end of 2 Samuel.  Paul liked giving credit to others.  The first on his list is Tychicus and Paul says three things about him to praise or thank him that should characterize all Christians.  And that’s what this kind of recognition will do, that is, show other people what important qualities to possess.

Tychicus comes in several times in the New Testament, and maybe he doesn’t get remembered because he’s got a name that doesn’t stick.  You can do some rich biographical study on him by looking at Acts 20, Titus 3, Ephesians 6, and 2 Timothy 4.  In this case, Tychicus, it seems, would be coming in person to give a report about Paul’s condition to the church.  But what about this man?

One, he was a beloved brother.  He was a family member to Paul, and Paul loved him.  Oh that we might be one to be loved and a brother to such a man as the Apostle Paul.

Two, he was a faithful minister to Paul.  Tychicus wasn’t a big shot.  He served.  You could count on him when you needed help, so we see Paul using him all the time through Acts and the Epistles.

Three, he was a fellow slave with Paul of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Like Paul, he was a bond slave.  He was committed to and loyal to the Lord.

He was a brother to Paul, a help to Paul, and co-laborer with Paul.  Let’s be those things too.

  1. March 11, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Brother Kent,

    I love doing biographical studies of men like this in the Bible. A lost “art” in IFB circles today is the fellow-servant who needs no glory. I am reminded of the faithful “second men” who have served in this way.

    One of these days I am going to do a sermon series, and perhaps a booklet on the “unsung heroes” of the Scriptures.

    BTW, this series on Colossians has been a great blessing to me!

  2. March 11, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    Thanks Art. I appreciate what you have to say. We’ve enjoyed thinking about Colossians the last few months here.

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